Here I am

God Takes Our Yes Seriously

Aderonke Awonusi
3 min readJun 4, 2022
Photo by Caleb Oquendo from Pexels

I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart.” ( Psalm 40:8 KJV)

Many years ago, I attended a christian meeting with a friend. Before this gathering, there had been a need for more home fellowship cells in that particular area, as the church members living there had grown. Thus, the main focus of the meeting was around growing more home cells. The pastor that led, encouraged new members at the meeting to either volunteer their homes for fellowship, or serve as a cell leader. Just then he gave an impromptu " altar call". Without thinking much I jumped to my feet. My commitment was for my house to be used for a fellowship center. My friend who was seated next to me looked at me surprisingly. She whispered, “Are you joking or serious”? Do you know what it entails? Would you give it some thought? At that point, it was too late to sit down, as the pastor already blessed the few of us standing. When I sat back, I had a rethink about my actions, but then I concluded, No one knows me here, No one will chase me if I don’t eventually fulfill my promise. Good enough, I did not put my name down".

Fast forward, to about two years after, my home cell leader asked me one day, to wait after fellowship. She told me she was relocating to another country and the fellowship needed a home to continue. She asked if I would like for them to move the home fellowship to my house. I discussed this with my husband and we agreed. We were okay to give our home as long as there will be a cell leader. She assured me that was not an issue, as a leader was already appointed to take over the fellowship.
My home, as well as the new cell leader, was blessed by some leaders in the church, and we proceeded. However, there was an issue. The new cell leader never showed up again. All efforts to reach him proved abortive. I was disturbed! Every Sunday, when members gather in my home for fellowship, I would be saddled with the responsibility of getting my home ready, as well as leading the fellowship. I sucked at leading! I did not know many scriptures, nor did I think I was spiritually fit to lead a cell. Many Sundays, I found myself stuttering while sharing the outline provided. A few members eventually left. But I was determined to hold the fellowship in one piece, at least till we get another leader. We never got one. I ended up leading the same fellowship in my home for almost four years with good membership growth. We also ran the kids and teens fellowship next door. During this period, I had to develop myself by reading the scriptures and praying more. I dedicated more time to reading the outline ahead of the fellowship so I could have a lot of examples to share while teaching. I took discipleship and cell leaders classes. I had to quickly get myself equipped to manage the huge responsibility dropped on my lap.

I had the opportunity one day to reflect on my journey as a cell leader and I remembered the day I stood up in church to volunteer my home. While my gesture was not properly thought through, God already gave it a stamp. He not only ensured that I kept my promise, but also gave me more by allowing me to be a cell leader. This by the way, is one of the best things that has happened to me since birth. I was tremendously blessed!

My learning is that God takes us seriously when we commit we will do something for his kingdom. It is therefore important to have this in mind, when we make our promises to him.



Aderonke Awonusi

Godlover, Unashamed of the Gospel of Christ. HR Pro & Writer. I am passionate about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through Storytelling..