The Cake And Its Stand
This reminds me of my relationship with Jesus

While I packed some cake into the fridge and was about to put the cake stand away, it came to my thoughts, similarities in my relationship with Jesus, and that of a cake and its stand.
These were the lessons I learnt;
When God allows me to be the stand, while he is the cake, this means I am the vessel carrying his glory.
I need to understand that,
- People will not be so attracted for example in a party, to a cake stand, but the cake. Without the cake, the cake stand is not so useful.
- Humility and Patience, will be needed as a stand, to continue to carry the cake, so long as it is needed. Even when the cake stand feels tired or weary, he cant let the cake down!
- I will need to endure the pains from the slicing of the cake, as the knives touches down on me. As people make demands of the gifts of God in me, this could bring some inconvenience. But, I need to be focused on my purpose and not my pain.
When God permits me to be the cake and he is the stand, this means he wants me to take the shine while he supports me to do that. This is like what Jesus did on the cross when he carried all our sins and burdens so that we might be free.
I need to understand that.
- As a cake, I will continually depend on my stand — JESUS, to fulfil my purpose.
- A cake that suddenly loses its stand, can get smashed in seconds.
Whichever way I view my relationship with Jesus, I am NOTHING without him.
I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing (John 15:5, AMP)